
Wall Orientation

The flexibility of HPXML allows specification of any number of walls and windows facing any direction. HEScore expects only one wall/window specification for each side of the building (front, back, left, right).

Each wall in the HPXML document is considered for translation to HEScore. This excludes attic knee walls (see Knee Walls), interior walls, walls between living space and a garage, etc. since HEScore does not model those walls. The translator then attempts to assign each wall to the nearest side of the building, which is relative to the orientation of the front of the building. The wall construction and exterior finish of the largest wall by area on each side of the building are used to define the properties sent to HEScore. An area weighted R-value of all the walls on each side of the building is calculated as well as described in Area Weighted Wall R-value. If there is only one wall on any side of the house, the area is not required for that side. If a wall falls exactly between two sides of the house the area of the wall is divided by two and half of the wall is assigned to either side.

HEScore also allows the specification of one wall for all sides of the building. If none of the walls in HPXML have orientation (or azimuth) data, the wall construction and exterior finish of the largest wall by area on each side of the building are used to define the properties sent to HEScore. An area weighted R-value of all the walls on each side of the building is calculated as well as described in Area Weighted Wall R-value. If there is only one wall and no area specified, that wall is used to determine the wall construction.


The following conditions must be met for the wall translation to succeed:

  • If there is more than one wall on each side of the building each wall on that side of the building must have an Area specified.
  • Either all walls must have an Azimuth and/or Orientation or none of them must.
  • All walls must have ExteriorAdjacentTo.

Wall Construction

HEScore uses a selection of construction codes to describe wall construction type, insulation levels, and siding. HPXML, as usual, uses a more flexible approach defining wall types: layers of insulation materials that each include an R-value, thickness, wall cavity information, etc. To translate the inputs from HPXML to HEScore approximations need to be made to condense the continuous inputs in HPXML to discrete inputs required for HEScore.

The wall R-value can be described by using nominal R-value or assembly R-value. If a user wishes to use a nominal R-value, nominal R-value for all layers need to be provided. Otherwise, assembly R-values for each layer need to be provided.

If nominal R-value is used, the R-value is summed for all insulation layers. If the wall construction was determined to have Rigid Foam Sheathing, an R-value of 5 is subtracted from the wall R-value sum to account for the R-value of the sheathing in the HEScore construction. The nearest discrete R-value from the list of possible R-values for that wall type is used to determine an assembly code. Then, the assembly R-value of the corresponding assembly code from the lookup table is used. The lookup table can be found at hescorehpxml\lookups\lu_wall_eff_rvalue.csv.

If assembly R-value is used, the discrete R-value nearest to assembly R-value from the lookup table for that wall type is used. The lookup table can be found at hescorehpxml\lookups\lu_wall_eff_rvalue.csv.

Wood Frame Walls

If WallType/WoodStud is selected in HPXML, each layer of the wall insulation is parsed and if a continuous layer is found, or if the subelement WallType/WoodStud/ExpandedPolyStyreneSheathing is found, the wall is specified in HEScore as “Wood Frame with Rigid Foam Sheathing.”

   <SystemIdentifier id="wall1"/>
           <!-- Either this element needs to be here or continuous insulation below -->
       <SystemIdentifier id="wall1ins"/>

Otherwise, if the OptimumValueEngineering boolean element is set to true, the “Wood Frame with Optimal Value Engineering” wall type in HEScore is selected.

   <SystemIdentifier id="wall2"/>


The OptimumValueEngineering flag needs to be set in HPXML to translate to this wall type. The translator will not infer this from stud spacing.

Finally, if neither of the above conditions are met, the wall is specified as simply “Wood Frame” in HEScore.

Siding is selected according to the siding map.

Structural Brick

If WallType/StructuralBrick is found in HPXML, one of the structural brick codes in HEScore is specified.

   <SystemIdentifier id="wall3"/>
       <SystemIdentifier id="wall3ins"/>
       <!-- This would have a summed R-value of 10 -->

Concrete Block or Stone

If WallType/ConcreteMasonryUnit or WallType/Stone is found, one of the concrete block construction codes is used in HEScore. The siding is translated using the same assumptions as wood stud walls with the exception that vinyl, wood, or aluminum siding is not available and if those are specified in the HPXML an error will result.

Straw Bale

If WallType/StrawBale is found in the HPXML wall, the straw bale wall assembly code in HEScore is selected.

Exterior Finish

Siding mapping is done from the Wall/Siding element in HPXML. Siding is specified as the last two characters of the construction code in HEScore.

Siding type mapping
wood siding wo
stucco st
synthetic stucco st
vinyl siding vi
aluminum siding al
brick veneer br
asbestos siding wo
fiber cement siding wo
composite shingle siding wo
masonite siding wo
other not translated


not translated means the translation will fail for that house.

Area Weighted Wall R-value

When more than one HPXML Wall element must be combined into one wall construction for HEScore, the wall construction code is determined for each HPXMl Wall as described in Wall Construction. The wall construction and exterior finish that represent the largest combined area are used to represent the side of the house.

Whether nominal R-value or assembly R-value is used, a weighted average R-value is calculated using assembly R-value for each Wall. The weighted average is calculated by weighting the U-values by area.

\begin{align*} U_i &= \frac{1}{R_i} \\ U_{eff,avg} &= \frac{\sum_i{U_i A_i}}{\sum_i A_i} \\ R_{eff,avg} &= \frac{1}{U_{eff,avg}} \\ \end{align*}

Then the nearest discrete R-value to the weighted average R-value from the lookup table is used. The lookup table can be found at hescorehpxml\lookups\lu_wall_eff_rvalue.csv.

Wall ExteriorAdjacentTo

Each Wall is considered and the ExteriorAdjacentTo is mapped into a HEScore adjacent_to according to the following mapping. HPXML options not included in the mapping will not be translated and an error will be returned if they are used.

HPXML ExteriorAdjacentTo to HEScore adjacent_to mapping (HPXML v2)
HPXML HEScore Description Dwelling Unit Type
ambient outside ambient environment Any
other housing unit other_unit e.g., conditioned adjacent unit or conditioned corridor single_family_attached/apartment_unit Only
HPXML ExteriorAdjacentTo to HEScore adjacent_to mapping (HPXML v3)
HPXML HEScore Description Dwelling Unit Type
outside outside ambient environment Any
other housing unit other_unit e.g., conditioned adjacent unit or conditioned corridor single_family_attached/apartment_unit Only
other heated space other_heated_space e.g., shared laundry/equipment space single_family_attached/apartment_unit Only
other multifamily buffer space other_multifamily_buffer_space e.g., enclosed unconditioned stairwell single_family_attached/apartment_unit Only
other non-freezing space other_non_freezing_space e.g., shared parking garage ceiling single_family_attached/apartment_unit Only


  • If windows are found on a wall not adjacent to outside, the translation will fail.